Quality Towing Systems since 1974ROADMASTER, Inc. • 5602 N.E. Skyport Way • Portland, OR 97218800-669-9690 • Fax 503-288-8900 • roadmasterinc.
INITIAL INSTALLATION8Attach the brake signal wirecontinued from preceding pagenect the ground wires with a separate cable.2d. If the towed vehicle has
INITIAL INSTALLATION9Install the motorhome monitor LEDcontinued from preceding pageeasily seen by the driver.4. Drill a 5/16-inch hole through the das
cFigure 5PRESS THE“AIR RELIEF”BUTTON.10DAY-TO-DAY OPERATIONThis section contains detailed operating instructions. Refer to this section until you beco
DAY-TO-DAY OPERATIONAttach the pedal clamp — #650997continued from preceding pageNote: your 9700 may have one of three differentpedal clamps. The inst
DAY-TO-DAY OPERATIONAttach the pedal clamp — #650997-1continued from page 10Note: your 9700 may have one of three differentpedal clamps. The instructi
DAY-TO-DAY OPERATION13forpedal clamp #9329Note: your 9700 may have one ofthree different pedal clamps. Theinstructions below are for pedal clampnumber
DAY-TO-DAY OPERATION14Step TwoAdjust the feet and the seat pad1. Now that the pedal clamp is in place, move the9700 forward, until the air cylinder sh
DAY-TO-DAY OPERATIONFigure 17PRESS CORD LOCKFIRMLY INTO THE12-VOLT OUTLET.cStep ThreePlug in the power cordCheck the 12-volt outlet socket before plug
DAY-TO-DAY OPERATIONStep FiveSet the brake pressureThe brake pressure setting is the amount of forcethe 9700 will apply to the towed vehicle’s brakes
DAY-TO-DAY OPERATIONConnect the wiring harness;test the break away systemcontinued from preceding pagewould prevent the cable from pulling freely awa
This manual has been prepared to acquaint you with the installation and operation of your 9700, and toprovide you with important safety information.Re
18PROTECTION MODESExtended braking protectionTo protect the towed vehicle’s brakes, the 9700 willautomatically release braking pressure after an ex-te
19QUICK REFERENCE CHECKLISTIf the vacuum is not released, the 9700 willapply excessive braking force when it is activat-ed, which will cause severe ti
20QUICK REFERENCE CHECKLISTCAUTIONConnecting the 9700continued from preceding pageIf the towed vehicle’s engine must be startedperiodically (according
21TROUBLESHOOTINGSymptomThe 9700 doesn't fit properly inthe towed vehicle.The pedal clamp doesn't fit thebrake pedal securely.The air cylind
22TROUBLESHOOTINGSymptomThe fuse for the towed vehicle’s12-volt outlet keeps blowing.The compressor comes onwhen the 9700 is plugged in, butnot actual
23OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT12-volt extension cord (part number 9331)This extension cord will extend your 12-volt out-let by six feet.12-volt outlet kit (part
241. WARRANTY1a.WARRANTY OF CONFORMITY AT TIME OF SALEROADMASTER, Inc. warrants that at the time of saleof this product it will be free from defects i
25INDEX12-volt outlet kit (part number 9332)Description ...23When to install ...
Quality Towing Systems since 1974ROADMASTER, Inc. • 5602 N.E. Skyport Way • Portland, OR 97218800-669-9690 • Fax 503-288-8900 • roadmasterinc.
TABLE OF CONTENTSSafety definitions ... inside front coverSpecifications ...
COMPONENTSpart number description1 650997-1 ... brake pedal clampNote: your 9700 may have one of three differ-ent brake pedal clamps — the 65
1. ALWAYS CHECK THE ROADMASTER WEB-SITE — www.roadmasterinc.com — for vehicle-specificinformation which may not have been available whenthese instruct
5Step OneInstall the break away system“Break away” systems are secondary safety devic-es, required by law in many states, which will brakethe towed ve
6Install the motorhome monitorwiring harness in the towed vehiclecontinued from preceding pagebrakes have been applied.Note: There are two lengths of
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