Owner's ManualEntire contents of manual must be read by ownerQuality Towing Systems since 1974
Installing the ‘quick-disconnect’ systemcontinued from preceding pageless they are properly locked in place over the verti-cal pins on both quick-disc
Figure 5hitch pinstinger©Rotate both arms up,until they are vertical.releaselatchclip9release latch andlocking mechanisms point upFigure 6Connecting t
Figure 810Connecting the tow barcontinued from preceding pagepin with a linch pin (Figure 9) or optional padlock.The linch pin must be locked. The rin
Connecting the tow barcontinued from preceding pageWhen you drive away, steer briefly to the left and thento the right, to extend, self-center and loc
12Disconnecting the tow bar1. Disconnecting the tow bar is essentially the reverseof connecting it. First, always try to park on level ground,with the
13The Sterling All Terrain tow bar comes equipped with afully-wired motorhome-to-towed vehicle electrical cord —simply plug the cord into the sockets
14Wiring instructions — four-wire systemcontinued from preceding pageshown in Figure 13. Or, wire the socket to match the ex-isting wiring on the moto
Wiring instructions — six-wire systemcontinued from preceding page5. If your motorhome does not have the correct wiringsocket already, you can replace
How to use safety cables16Safety cables are an integral part of your towing sys-tem. They are a secondary safety device, required by lawin many states
Proper installationof safety cablesConnect thesnap hooksto the loopson hitch orframe.Cross the safety cables under the hitchand stinger. This helps pr
IMPORTANT NOTICE!Safety DefinitionsStatements in this manual identified as follows are of special significance:WARNING indicates a potentially hazardo
Proper installation of safety cablescontinued from preceding pagebolted directly to the frame of the towed vehicle and donot require short safety cabl
Stay within the ‘Safe Zone’STAY WITHIN THE ‘SAFE ZONE’Towing with a motorhome-mounted tow bar which hasan upward or downward slope puts undue strain o
Always clean the lockingmechanisms, as describedabove, before lubricatingthem. Silicone coats andcovers in a thin layer. If it isnot removed, it will
Limited Warranty1. WARRANTY1a. WARRANTY OF CONFORMITY AT TIME OF SALEROADMASTER, Inc. warrants that at the time of sale of this product it will befree
Quality Towing Systems since 1974ROADMASTER, Inc. • 5602 N.E. Skyport Way • Portland, OR 97218 • 800-669-9690 • Fax 503-288-8900 • www.roadm
1Safety definitions ... inside front coverSafe towing practices... 2
To ensure your safety and that of your passengers, aswell as the safety of others on the road, follow these safetowing practices at all times.•Do not
Safe towing practicescontinued from preceding pageAdditionally, check the tow bar bracket every 3,000miles — inspect for any fractures or cracks in th
Safe towing practicescontinued from preceding pageusing a tow bar, never tow more than one vehicle, or non-warranty damage or injury may result.•The t
damage.•The installer must be sure that the vehicle is suit-able or adaptable for towing. Some vehicles must beequipped with a transmission lube pump
Installing the‘quick-disconnect’ systemAsafetyplatequick-disconnectbasevehiclemountingbracketvehiclemountingbracketsafetyplateQuick-disconnect parts l
Installing the ‘quick-disconnect’ systemcontinued from preceding pagecable anchor “E” to part “A,” and cable anchor “F” to part“B,” using the supplied
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