A guide toROADMASTERtowing, braking and suspensionproductsROADMASTER, Inc.6110 NE 127th Avenue • Vancouver, WA 98682 • 800-669-9690 • fax 360-73
7Selectingtheelectricalwiringcomponents By law, it is necessary to have a lighting system in the towed vehicle that will allow the towed vehicle’
WHEEL MASTERS®America’s Leader in Wheel Cover Systems and Tire AccessoriesDon’tsettleforless! At Wheel Masters, we place our priorities high, sele
Hub-mount (HM) — for stainless steel wheels and axle coversHub-mountstainlesssteel PART NUMBER APPLICATION 8001 ...
WHEEL MASTERS®Wheeliners™for dual wheelsAmerica’s Leader in Wheel Cover Systems and Tire Accessories96 Great looks, durability and the finest warrant
97WHEEL MASTERS®NamscoWheeliners™ for dual wheelsAmerica’s Leader in Wheel Cover Systems and Tire AccessoriesWith patented Posi-Lock mounting system
WHEEL MASTERS®Stainless steelwheelcoversAmerica’s Leader in Wheel Cover Systems and Tire Accessories98 These low-profile, aerodynamically-designed
A‘direct’system? BrakeMaster is rec-ommended if your customers don’t frequently change motorhomes or towed vehicles. Be-cause it connects directly
length: 11½”length: 11½”length: 6”99WHEEL MASTERS®Tire pressure gauges and valveextendersAmerica’s Leader in Wheel Cover Systems and Tire Accessories
100WHEEL MASTERS®‘SpareAir’tireinflationsystemandhosepartskitAmerica’s Leader in Wheel Cover Systems and Tire Accessories‘SpareAir’tireinfla
LevelMastertrailerlevels These giant all-in-one RV levels provide visual side-to-side and front-to-rear leveling assistance for trailers, fifth wh
Stainless steelcustomaxlecovers Polished 304L stainless steel for beauty that lasts! (for 22½-inch wheels only) PARTNUMBER DESCRIPTION 22582
WHEEL MASTERS®ProductdisplaysPromotional signage is your silent sales representative, always around to answer customers’ questions.America’s Leader i
NotesTowing and Suspension Solutions
ROADMASTERtow barsandtow dollies “I swerved to avoid a collision with a truck in the wrong lane, and veered off the road into the brush. I could see
©2009-2012ROADMASTER,Inc.Allrightsreserved. Copying any items in this document in any way or manner, including photocopying, is strictly prohib
9World’s strongest aluminum tow bar!NON-BINDING TOW BAR The Sterling All-Terrain was designed, tested and manufactured to the highest standards…yours
10NON-BINDING TOW BARSNo more binding!Our premium line of tow bars, with theexclusive Freedom Latch™, patented storagelatch and built-in cable guides.
11Falcon 2 — 37 lbs. 6,000-pound weight capacity motorhome-mounted tow bar 520 Falcon 2 tow bar 525 Falcon tow bar (fits Blue Ox brackets) 055 F
12• Stainless steel in virtually every moving component for smooth, trouble-free operation.• Autowlok™ locking mechanism — allows both tow bar arms
13ComboKitsEach kit contains all the necessary accessories for your vehicle, matched to your ROADMASTER tow bar.ROADMASTER tow bag Keep your towing
Adjustabletowdollies Tow virtually any vehicle, from an ultra-compact car to a full-size pickup or SUV, on a rugged, adjustable tow dolly with buil
15Spare tire carrier (spare tire not included) Mount your spare tire and wheel on your tow dolly using this heavy-duty steel, powder-coated mounting
If your version of the RV lifestyle includes the flexibility of a towed vehicle, we design, develop and manufacture everything to “get your towed ca
162000-1 — our premium adjustable tow dollyU.S. Patent No.6,164,897Self-steering wheels with sta-bilizers allow the dolly to track the motorhome with-
ROADMASTERtow barmountingbracketsA screen capture image of one facet of FEA (Finite Elemental Analysis) computerized testing for a tow bar bracket. “
‘Hidden’mountingbrackets ROADMASTER XL, MX and EZ Twistlock series mounting brackets have detach-able extensions which are easily removed when
Towing and Suspension SolutionsWhyaretherethree ‘hidden’bracketstyles? Underneath the vehicle, every ROADMASTER bracket is a custom de-sign, fit
19Comparisonofbracketinstallationtimes—ROADMASTER vsBlueOxTimeismoney. ROADMASTER mounting brackets are custom-made to fit a specific
20Tow bar adaptors031 — adapts ROADMASTER Falcon, Black-Hawk, BlackHawk All-Terrain and Falcon All-Ter-rain tow bars to Blue Ox brackets. Also adapts
Tofindthecustomer’stow bar bracket…1.Visitwww.roadmasterinc.com.2.Clickon‘Vehicle-SpecificInfo.’ Then select ‘Tow Bar Mounting Brackets
22KIT# 521190-105/03/10 KSAll illustrations and specifications contained herein are based on the latest information available at the time of publicati
23KIT# 521190-105/03/10 KS 6. Place the main receiver brace over the ends of the frame rails. On each side, replace the four bolts removed in the pr
24KIT# 521190-105/03/10 KSMOUNTING BRACKET KITINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSROADMASTER, Inc. 6110 NE 127th Ave. Vancouver, WA 98682 1-800-669-9
ContentsCompany description ... inside front coverContact information ... 3Dealer web resources ...
ROADMASTERsupplementalbrakingsystemsTowing and Suspension Solutions
Whydotowedvehiclesneedsupplementalbrakes?Safety Safety is the number one reason most people add supplemental brakes to their towed vehicles. In
Brakingweightsmap26Towing and Suspension Solutions
Additional features…• Automatically delivers maximum braking pressure in an emergency • Automatic brake protection • Easily adjusts to individual
Portablepre-setbrakingEfficient, effective…and easy!Push-button control — the 9700 is apreset system withthree braking preferences:light, medium or h
Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nothing. Nada. Nil. That’s what you have to do to connect and disconnect InvisiBrake. There’s nothing to take in and out of your
What is BrakeMaster?BrakeMaster is ROADMASTER’s ‘direct’ proportional brakingsystem. It connects directly to the motorhome’s air or hydraulic braking
31Stop light switch kitTowing and Suspension SolutionsBrakingsystemaccessoriesapplications chartBrake-Lite Relayfor allsystems Why When BenefitSt
3212-voltoutlet kit12-volt ‘Y’ adaptor12-volt extension cordAir cylindershaft extensionFoot extensioncontinued from preceding pageSecond To equip a n
33Brake-LiteRelayand stop light switch applicationsTowing and Suspension SolutionsWhatdoestheBrake-LiteRelaydo? It stops the brake lights from
2continued from preceding pageMerchandisingBraking system literature and displays ... 59Towing and suspension literature and displays ...
To find required oroptional accessories…1.Visitwww.roadmasterinc.com.2.Clickon‘Vehicle-SpecificInfo.’ Select ‘Supplemental Braking Systems.’ Th
Sell-UpFeatures9700 Even Brake proportional braking no yes continuous self-diagnostic testing no yes continuous multi-mode communications
the BrakeKeyPoints 9700 Buddy® DescriptionDoesthesystem ... Yes ... No ... The9700activatesonlywhenthemotorhome’s
continued from preceding page the BrakeKeyPoints 9700 Buddy® DescriptionIs there a ...Yes ... No ... The97
versusEvenBrake®BrakeBuddy®Vantage Select™ Even VantageKeyPoints Brake® Select® DescriptionIsthesystem ... Yes ... Yes
continued from preceding page Even VantageKeyPoints Brake® Select® DescriptionDoes the ... Yes ... No ... Eve
FrequentlyAskedQuestionsWhat is BrakeMaster? BrakeMaster connects directly to the motorhome’s air or hydraulic brake system, so that brake line pres
WhatisEvenBrake? It’s a self-contained, portable braking system that sits in front of the driver’s seat. It attaches to the brake pedal
What is the 9700? It’s a portable supplemental braking system that ap-plies a pre-set pressure to the towed vehicle’s brake pedal each time t
WhatisInvisiBrake? InvisiBrake is a fully-automatic, progressive supple-mental towed vehicle braking system.HowdoesInvisiBrakework? Invisi
ContactinformationHours of operation — Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Pacific Standard TimeManagement contactsName Title Phone Ext.
ROADMASTERaccessoriesTowing and Suspension Solutions
45GuardianrockguardandTow Defender tow shieldProtectyourtowedvehicleandRVagainstdingsandrockchips! The Guardian is crafted from rota
46SafetycablesStandardsafetycables Our aircraft type, galvanized steel safety cables are continuously tested to ROADMASTER’s exacting stan-dards.
47Electrical1.UniversalWiringKit This kit uses a system of diodes to connect the towed vehicle’s turn signals to the motorhome’s. Diodes pre
‘Flexo-Coil’andstraightpowercords Whatever electrical system your customers choose, they must have a cord to connect electricity between the
49Towing accessoriesPadlocks Don’t spend your time worry-ing about a stranger or kids un-latching or removing your safety pins. Replace them with
50Hitchaccessoriesforheightadjustment …with any accessory which extends the length of the towing system. 12" safety cable exten
51Other hitch accessoriesRollaway™ Prevents the hitch from digging and dragging on the pavement. Made for heavy-duty applications. Front-load
52Care and cleaningVoomRV Top to bottom, front to rear, inside and out…Voom RV is the solution to all your cleaning needs. Spray on…wipe of
4Dealerweb resources Every qualified ROADMASTER dealer has access to training seminars, dealer referrals and marketing literature at www.roadm
ROADMASTERsuspensionproducts “I had a set of anti-sway bars installed and the results were dramatic. The notorious Texas high plain winds couldn’t un
We’rethesuspensionexperts53Very few people would say they bought their motorhome (or truck, van or SUV) for the suspension. For most of us, the susp
54Anti-swaybarsDoes your motorhome handle like the Queen Mary? Does it pitch and roll with every gust of wind or passing semi, or list to port
Whatis‘sway?’ When you turn (or when crosswinds or passing 18-wheelers rock the vehicle), the body of the ve-hicle rolls to one side
Times57Reflex™ steering stabilizersThe‘return-to-center’conceptand how it works… Take the spring from a ballpoint pen. Hold each end with a thumb a
Does your motorhome vibrate from side to side? Are “wandering,” “rut tracking” and “lazy steer-ing” a problem? Tired and fatigued trying to kee
ROADMASTERproductliterature anddisplaysTowing and Suspension Solutions
Brakingsystemliterature anddisplays59Towing and Suspension Solutions
60Towing andsuspension literatureanddisplaysTowing and Suspension Solutions
Towing and Suspension Solutions1. tow bar2. mountingbrackets4. supplementalbrakes3. accessoriesSellaSystem1. tow bar2. mounting brackets3. acces
61Miscellaneousliterature and POPmaterialsTowing and Suspension Solutions
#095double-sideddisplayThis 7-foot x 4-foot all-metal display is FREE to dealers who purchase the products to stock it!62front backTowing and Suspen
63 #095D (double-sided) stocking products Part Fill/StockDescription number QuantityTow BarsStowMaster (optional) ...
64#095single-sideddisplayThis 7-foot x 4-foot all-metal display is FREE to dealers who purchase the products to stock it!Towing and Suspension Solut
65#095S (single-sided) stocking products Part Fill/StockDescription number QuantityTow BarsFalcon All-Terrain ...
66#100triple-sidedproductdisplayThis all-metal display is FREE to dealers who purchase the products to stock it!side 1side 2side 3Towing and Suspen
67#100 (triple-sided) stocking products Part Fill/StockDescription number QuantitySide OneBrite-Lite 3-to-2 converter ...
68#089smalldemodisplayThis all-metal display is FREE to dealers who purchase the products to stock it!#089 stocking products Part Fill/StockDes
69#079 RSS displayThis all-metal display is FREEto dealers who purchaseany10 RSS products!Towing and Suspension Solutions
70Additional salesaids and bracketinstallation toolsTowbarcut-aways Tow bar cut-aways are the ideal way to demonstrate the advanced technology in b
5WhyROADMASTER? Before you can begin to sell a customer a towing system, you first have to sell them ROADMASTER.If you’re lucky, they’ve already hear
TechnicalInformationContents pagesVehicle-specific applications for braking systems ...71Tow bar brackets — supplemental instructions
71Forinstallationservicewriters — we suggest that you refer to this form on the ROADMASTER web site whenever you schedule an appointment to install
To attach the removable arms (Figure 1) to the bracket — the arms are not interchangeable; refer to the exploded view in the bracket installation in
EZ Twistlock bracket attachmentscontinued from preceding pagethe bracket first. For the third style, attach the quick links first. Refer to Figure
74brackets, the connection point at the towed vehicle var-ies; it may be located on the receiver brace (as shown in Figure 4) or on another part
75Sizing Chart size of bolt size of bolt to be fishwired used to make the fishwire ¾" ...
1short. If the cables are too short, the towing system will be severely damaged when the motorhome turns a sharp corner. (Twelve-inch sa
StowMaster™(For ease of illustration we have shown straight safety cables; Flexo-Coil cables are attached in the same manner.)Figure 3Tracker™(For eas
78All Terrain™ tow bars— BlackHawk, BlackHawk 2™ and Falcon(Only straight, single-hook safety cables can be used with the All Terrain channel guides.)
4 1. WARRANTY 1a. WARRANTY OF CONFORMITY AT TIME OF SALE ROADMASTER, Inc. warrants that at the time of sale of this product it will
6Selecting a tow bar• Car-mountedormotorhome-mounted? • Car-mounted tow bars are mounted and stored on the front of the towed vehicle, and can be
All specifications subject to change without noticeshort. If the cables are too short, the towing system will be severely damaged when the
81 THESE REMEDIES ARE THE EXCLUSIVE AND SOLE REMEDIES FOR ANY BREACH OF WARRANTY. For any breach of warranty, the Owner must telephone
82 Some ROADMASTER tow bar mounting brackets with removable arms include a short safety cable to bypass the removable arm, as shown in Fig
83whichever is greater. All replaced products and all parts removed from repaired prod-ucts become the property of ROADMASTER. ROADMASTER will not pr
84Top 10 Installer Tips2 5 - 4 0 1 2 - 0 1 0 3 - 1 0
85EVENBRAKEDIAGNOSTICFLOWCHARTS After the initial installation, the motorhome monitor text message may indicate a low battery, or it may read “Not
Concern Can I cut the cable to shorten it?Clarification No. The cable length is already adjustable in nu-merous ways without cutting it:• The
battery will be drained after just two or three hours of towing — the wheels going round and round “wake up” the computer, which turns on a number of
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